• We’re always searching for great properties. If you’re interested in investing along side us, please get in touch today!

  • Downtown Spokane 4 Plex Condo

    Acquired: May 2023

    COC return = 24.6%

    Cap Rate = 7.6%

  • Schweitzer Land with density zoning of 4

    Hold Period: 2 years 0 months

    Purchase Price: $99,000

    Cost to Close: $25,770.84

    PITI Paid: $14,837.86

    Expenses: $0

    Total Invested: $40,608.70

    Sale Price: $377,500

    Cash after closing: $284,847.69

    Rental Income: $2,000

    Total Return: $286,847.69

    ROI: 606%

    Annualized ROI: 303%